Prize winning images

Googly-eyed Tompot
A curious Tompot Blenny (Parablennius gattorugine) peaks out beneath a rock on a summers dive in Plymouth Sound. A familiar sighting to our British waters, but one that never gets old. Each Tompot comes with their own little attitude by Ben Whyte @benwhytephotography

Leaf Sheep in Bali
This little cute sea slug also known as leaf sheep. I took this photo at Tulamben, Bali. It is a solar power sea slug because the main source of its energy comes from the sun since the slug eats macro algae, collects chloroplast into its body and uses it later in the process of photosynthesis by YMB "Pari"

Tidal gullies.
"My summer home in the tidal gullies at Les Ecrehous, an offshore reef 6 miles north east of Jersey. Wireweed grows in these gullies and dies off around July, A non native that does have some benefits in that it is a shelter for fish, in this case juvenile Pollack, the down side it blocks a lot of light out and it some places smothers other algae." By Nicolas Jouault

Living dangerously
Spotted porcelain crab (Neopetrolisthes maculatus) at home in a sea anemone, Nusa Penida, Bali by Keiron Fraser

Sea Squirt Community
"This was taken whilst dock fouling in a marina in Suffolk. This trip really opened my eyes to sea squirts! The number and variety of these animals on the underside of an innocuous pontoon created a colourful and interesting seascape." By Elizabeth Beston

quizzical Polar Bear on Sea-ice off Svalbard
Our changing world eh? I wonder how much longer will I be able to go hunting on sea-ice? By Peter Burkill

Ghost Crab
"I took this photo of a ghost crab on a spare day at a beach in Western Australia, whilst waiting to go offshore on an environmental survey." By Kevin O'Connell

Hydroid Nemertesia antennina (sea beard)
Hydroid Nemertesia antennina (sea beard) in cross-section. A Christmas star!
Monthly finalists

Tidal gullies.
"My summer home in the tidal gullies at Les Ecrehous, an offshore reef 6 miles north east of Jersey. Wireweed grows in these gullies and dies off around July, A non native that does have some benefits in that it is a shelter for fish, in this case juvenile Pollack, the down side it blocks a lot of light out and it some places smothers other algae." By Nicolas Jouault

Ghost Crab
"I took this photo of a ghost crab on a spare day at a beach in Western Australia, whilst waiting to go offshore on an environmental survey." By Kevin O'Connell

Clownfish at home
"Here is my entry of an underwater seascape" by Tanya Riley

Sea Squirt Community
"This was taken whilst dock fouling in a marina in Suffolk. This trip really opened my eyes to sea squirts! The number and variety of these animals on the underside of an innocuous pontoon created a colourful and interesting seascape." By Elizabeth Beston

The Chilean coasts are full of life
The Humboldt Current nourishes all the Eastern Pacific ocean. This image was taken in Chañaral de Aceituno, a paradise of sea lions and whales. The shores are painted with brown due to the majesty of these species by Judith Camps-Castella

Juvenile crab
Juvenile crab at West Runton Rockpools under UV light by Elizabeth Beston

Smugglers Beach net
Hi all a recent image taken at Smugglers Beach Shaldon Teignmouth on 15/3/24 showing how marine life adapts and colonises on marine litter. This net was heavily colonised by Netted Dog Whelk eggs and Hydroids by Mike Puleston

Leaf Sheep in Bali
This little cute sea slug also known as leaf sheep. I took this photo at Tulamben, Bali. It is a solar power sea slug because the main source of its energy comes from the sun since the slug eats macro algae, collects chloroplast into its body and uses it later in the process of photosynthesis by YMB "Pari"

Berghia coerlescens
couple from Jersey for you - Berghia coerulescens by Lou Wagstaffe

Stress from above
While diving around the coastline of the southern South Ari Atoll (Maldives) I thought I had the fortune to observe a gentle giant of the ocean. Though within minutes the moment was lost with a crowd of tourists above by Andre Moriarty

Limpet radula grazing marks, Meadfoot Beach Torquay
Limpet radula grazing marks, Meadfoot Beach Torquay. 9/4/24 by Mike Puleston

Here’s one from my microscope. A flatworm looking up - from a sample from Cromer Pier by Elizabeth Beston

Googly-eyed Tompot
A curious Tompot Blenny (Parablennius gattorugine) peaks out beneath a rock on a summers dive in Plymouth Sound. A familiar sighting to our British waters, but one that never gets old. Each Tompot comes with their own little attitude by Ben Whyte @benwhytephotography

Grazing Sea Hare (Aplysia punctata)
This image of a grazing Sea Hare (Aplysia punctata) is not only a reflection on the underwater scene, but also on the abundance of these enigmatic sea slugs this year, compared to their relative absence around Jersey last year by Lou Wagstaffe

Nyaung Oo Phee Islands, Myanmar
I took this photo at Nyaung Oo Phee Islands, Myanmar in Dec 2023. This heahlty batch of seafan is home to thousands of fish and invertebrates, it creates biodiversity, enriches life and supports all surrounding organism but its health is at a tipping point by YMB "Pari"

Resting in the Tides
Subcategory: Our tidal world Title: Resting in the Tides Description: As tides partly influence the haul-out behaviour of seals by affecting the availability of space, I felt this picture fits the theme well. The striking markings and colouration inspired me to give this seal the nickname “winter” in my photo ID collection by Gemma Rae

Underwater seascape - Spotted eagle rays
Spotter eagle ray(s) captured coming into a reef and gracefully ‘flying’ away. photographed using a Samsung s23 phone in a Divevolk housing by Andre Moriarty

Moray eels
Photo taken in Baja Mexico in June 2024, two green Moray eels either fighting or mating. This is a fantastic behavior witness. They were biting and swimming in the open water, in which eels don't normally do by YMB "Pari"

Licmophora sp. diatoms attached to red seaweed from a rockpool in North Norfolk by Elizabeth Beston

Regal Nudibranch
Entry for the category "The wonderful world in miniature – macro images” This tiny regal nudibranch, found in Malta. Posing happily for the photo at only a few centimeters long. Happiness can be found in all places, if one only looks by Sophie Babbs

This was one orca I encountered on a whale-watching trip in Hokkaido, Japan. This one caught my attention because it kept slowly coming up breathe. Some came up really close, others too far, but this one was just in the right position. The light was ok too. It is truly amazing to see them swimming freely in the wild by YMB "Pari"

Snapper school Baja
A school of snapper at Baja Mexico. These colorful fish are easily recognized by their bright yellow which contrasts beautifully with their silvery white body and the blue background by YMB "Pari"

quizzical Polar Bear on Sea-ice off Svalbard
Our changing world eh? I wonder how much longer will I be able to go hunting on sea-ice? By Peter Burkill

Pink Anemonefish
I took the photo of this lovely pink anemonefish at Koh Tao, Thailand. Many of them are often shy, while this one have a good sense of curiosity by YMB "Pari"

Living dangerously
Spotted porcelain crab (Neopetrolisthes maculatus) at home in a sea anemone, Nusa Penida, Bali by Keiron Fraser

Exploration by Puffin
Exploration by Puffin: Now where is my food by Peter Burkill

bigfin reef squid
A bigfin reef squid is a vicious, highly intelligent predator. They can change skin color within seconds using cells called chromatophores. In each of the chromatophores, there is a bag full of pigments, like a balloon, that can be colored. If the balloon is stretched, the color would come together into one single spot, making the color appear brighter by YMB "Pari"

Polycera nudibranch on bryozoan
I really liked this nudibranch popping out against the bryozoan (Membranipora membranacea I believe), which provided a lovely background for the image, and no doubt a tasty snack for the nudibranch. Taken with my Olympus TG-6, July 2024, in Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland by Libby Keatley
Images are voted for by Members and winners from each month will enter into the final draw at the end of the year for prizes to be awarded.