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The Ecology Institute (ECI) based in Oldendorf/ Luhe Germany, was founded by the late Prof Dr Otto Kinne, ex-Director of the Helgoland Marine Laboratory and founder editor of Marine Ecology Progress Series and before that Marine Biology. Prof Kinne also helped found the European Marine Biology conference series and was the leading German Marine Biologist of his generation. 

 He endowed a series of prizes, now awarded biennially,  that alternate among terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecologists. The senior prize winners are invited to write a book in the Excellence In Ecology Series, edited by the Honorary Director ( currently Prof Stephen J Hawkins).

Both the marine senior prize plus the senior and junior terrestrial prizes will presented this year at the same ceremony due to some pandemic related delays. This will cover the 2019 Marine Prize and the 2023 Terrestrial prizes. For more information see the programme attached with booking details. (Members only please login to see this information)

The prize-winning event (Ecology in a Changing World) at which the prize-winners give a short talk is being held in London this year at the Linnean Society. 

 Given that by coincidence that this year is the 140th anniversary of when the MBA was founded at the rooms of the Linnean Society in March 1884, Prof Stephen J Hawkins ( MBA Vice President) is also  giving a short talk on long-term change in the English Channel based on work by the MBA, which matches the theme of the meeting. 

For more information visit