16 Aug 2023

Marine Biologist Podcast: Why Inspiration is the Ocean's Greatest Untapped Resource

Ever since humans began making things, we have been looking to nature for inspiration: Leonardo Da Vinci designed flying machines inspired by birds, and burs (seeds covered in hooks) inspired the invention of velcro.

The Marine Biologist Podcast brings you conversations about marine life with leading marine biologists whose work featured in the latest edition of the magazine. If you are fascinated by the sea and its inhabitants and want to go deeper, this is the podcast for you.

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  • Marine natural compounds are three to four times more likely to yield successful drugs compared with terrestrial ones.
  • In 2022, there were over 17,000 new marine natural products discovered.

Leading marine biologist Robert Blasiak joins us to discuss the magical ingredients of marine biomimetics. With an emphasis firmly on learning from nature and extracting only ideas, Robert and colleagues from the Stockholm Resilience Centre take us on a fascinating exploration of the deep sea, how we must value it, and why the benefits of exploration may outweigh those of extraction. 

With thanks to Robert, Tilde Krusberg (MSc student and Research Assistant), and Lova Schildt (MSc student).