AGM and Annual Science Talk
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is how you, as a member, get to have your say in the running of The Marine Biological Association.
Members (excluding YMBs and Student Members) have the right to vote for those responsible for overseeing the delivery of our core aims and objectives as outlined in our Royal Charter. Each years meeting dates will be announced prior to the events. Booking information will be sent to you via email if you are a Member. Keep an eye on the Events calendar for updates on science talks!
Annual Science Talk
Each year the AGM is held on the same day as our Annual Science Talk. This is a talk from an eminent marine expert making significant contributions to their field. The Annual Science talk will be held in person and also online with the talk being available on catch up for Members after the event as well.

Members can catch up on our previous Annual Science Talks here:
Members can view the final AGM minutes by ensuring you are logged in while viewing this page.