Catch up on our career panel session from our 2022 Young Marine Biologist Summit: Hidden Ocean

I'm really happy to join the Young Marine Biologist Summit. I learnt so much and it's even interesting as I was able to understand explanations by the speakers. Looking forward to join next summits in the future

I am only 11, I was worried about whether I'd manage the whole day but everyone who spoke was so engaging and so passionate about the same things as me. I know a lot about the sea but the theme was not something I knew much about so I found everything really educational and inspiring. The event opened my eyes to new ways to think about the importance of our oceans.
Oxford, UK

Thank you for making it possible as a budding Marine Biologist to have access to this generous amount of field information. The fact that this event is also free for non-member is very kind and speaks volumes about the generosity of experienced and solidified scientists to encourage youth and early career scientists to pursue marine biology and conservation.
Young Marine Biologist Summit Attendee 2022

As a parent, I really can't thank you enough. The 2022 summit was excellent, really well organised and presented, and my son and I both thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you!
Young Marine Biologist Summit Attendee 2022

Tune in behind the scenes of our monthly Young Marine Biologist Club Session open to all Young Members of the Marine Biological Association
Join our Community of Young Marine Biologists
We are proud to run this event in partnership with Save our Seas Foundation

Also thank you to our sponsors:

Check out last years event: