Applications for the 38th Microelectrode Techniques for Cell Physiology Workshop are now open. The closing date has been extended to the 13th of April 2023!. Please fill in the below application form and provide the evidence required. Please note for an application to be considered you will need to attached the following
- Curriculum Vitae - 2 pages
- Research Project, giving a concise description of your research, your reasons for wishing to attend and your experience of techniques taught on the course. Maximum length 4 pages.
- Letter of Recommendation on organisation letter headed notepaper, signed by an academic referee - preferably PhD supervisor or Head of Laboratory. This letter should indicate how your research, the laboratory in which you work and the area of research that you intend to pursue will benefit from your participation on the course.

Course fee, inclusive of B & B accommodation: £1650
Any queries please email
For details of how to become a Member